APKCombo installer

How to install APK, OBB, ZIP, XAPK, APKM, APKS

How to install APK, OBB, ZIP, XAPK, APKM, APKS

  1. Download & install APKCombo Installer.
  2. Open the APKCombo Installer app
  3. Tap Install
  4. Select the files you want to install: .apk, .obb, .zip, .xapk, .apkm, .apks
  5. Tap OK
  6. Follow the steps on screen.

Download & install APKCombo Installer

Download & install APKCombo Installer.

Enable developer options

Settings » About phone » Tap MIUI version (Tap 7 times to enable developer options).

Turn off MIUI optimization

You need to install the APKCombo Installer

Open the APKCombo Installer app » Settings » Open Developer Settings » Turn off MIUI optimization » This setting will take effect after you reboot your device.

Turn on Unknown sources

Settings » Additional Information » Privacy » Turn on Unknown sources


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